Friday, April 15, 2011

I love Vet!

When I was a child ever wanted protect the animals. 
In the world the animals are extinct for many reasons:
-Global warming!
-illegal trade
I want to help the animals because they can't defend! 
I want know the medicin for heal, ecology for know their habitat and EDUCATION for to explain the people that the animals are very important for the world, and that they need live for perpetuate their species.
I hate the people that leaves your pet! Like a dog. Now the street are full of dogs homeless because  people think that the dogs don't suffer, I say YES!
I love animals and promise help, protect, take care, love!!
I know is difficult change the world, but if  I  do nothing never I'll be happy.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Amelia is hedgehogs
She hates water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am

I am Camila, some people call me Chamila, but I don't know why!
I study Veterinry medicine in the University of Chile, where I always wanted.  
In the University I'm with my friends, we eat in the red kiosk(Mr. Santi makes good salad), 
we study in the in the library but more time in the grass.  I enjoy my time in the University!!    
When I'm not with my friends, I visit my boyfriend  Victor and I have many things in common, we are very crazy!!!!!! 

I hope to learn to use the blog :S