Friday, April 15, 2011

I love Vet!

When I was a child ever wanted protect the animals. 
In the world the animals are extinct for many reasons:
-Global warming!
-illegal trade
I want to help the animals because they can't defend! 
I want know the medicin for heal, ecology for know their habitat and EDUCATION for to explain the people that the animals are very important for the world, and that they need live for perpetuate their species.
I hate the people that leaves your pet! Like a dog. Now the street are full of dogs homeless because  people think that the dogs don't suffer, I say YES!
I love animals and promise help, protect, take care, love!!
I know is difficult change the world, but if  I  do nothing never I'll be happy.


nina said...

Hi Cami!
i think you`re right about homeless dogs,
they wouldn`t exist if the people had more consciousness about this issue,
we, like futures veterinaries, had the work of make things a little bit better don`t you think?
ok cami i see you in class,

bye bye =)

Miss said...

When I TENSE was a child ever wanted protect WW the animals.
In the world the animals are extinct for many reasons:
-Global warming!
-illegal trade
I want to help WW the animals because they can't defend ^!
I want know the SP medicin for WF heal, ecology for know their habitat and EDUCATION WW for to explain the people that the animals are very important for the world, and that they need ^live for perpetuate their species.
I hate the people that SVA leaves WF your pet! Like a dog. Now the street SVA are full of dogs homeless because people think that the dogs don't suffer, I say YES!
I love animals and promise ^ help, protect, take care, love!!
I know is difficult^ change the world, but if I do nothing never I'll be happy.

well done!I´m glad you feel so committed to animals.

paola said...

HI chami
I agree with you on that you wrote.
good picture.

ReneHiro said...

i Think too that the homeless dog's are responsability of the owner. And if we aware about that we can change the thing, a little, but it's something.

Camila said...

where are my post a comment!!??

Soraya said...

Hey Camila! I like your passion for the animals!
And the picture is tender.

See you the next class.

leslie.bean.sulca said...

hello chami-alternative face!
i agree with you,I rather to be happy trying to change the world, too.even die trying!

javier said...

hi chami....that cute your photo....
and is true that you said...

josesita said...
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josesita said...

chami I like so much your special sensibility with the animals and the most important thing, you have this sensibility with the animals more helpless!

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